Heroes Coaching

Top employee motivation: the most incredible tips

Hi Hero ?

Wouldn’t you like to know how employees can be incredibly motivated in the workplace?

Nowadays it’s hard to find self-motivated individuals and leaders have to learn how to motivate them because that’s one of the most relevant and essential skills, they can possess.

Assertive decision-making was part of good leadership before the 1980s when leaders were celebrated for their courage and risk-taking when shaping corporate strategies, but times have changed. Today, leaders must go beyond the day-to-day operations and “tough decisions.”
Leaders in today’s society have to shape the art of motivation, the ability to understand people and to be able to tap into their respective motives are the skills that make the difference.
What about making good decisions and tough choices?
This isn’t all, once the decisions have been made, today’s leaders must be able to motivate their workers to accept and embrace organizational decisions.
The ability to inspire and motivate employees is what separates exceptional leaders from ordinary leaders. 

Studies demonstrated that there are different ways to motivate.

Fun: Some employees like to work with fun in the workplace, getting excited at the beginning of the day and some others prefer to enjoy social activities after work, getting excited at the end of the day.

Leaders tips:

Rewards: Paying per hour employees, will not be enough to motivate them to do an excellent job. Many of them need to know they’ll be rewarded to feel more motivated.

Leaders tips:

Reputation: People motivated by reputation have a strong need to enhance their image or esteem with others. Many people want others to think highly of them, plain hungry, starving in fact, for some attention and external motivation.

Workers often think that their boss doesn’t really care what they do or how they do it.

Other workers will work hard for a short while until they realize that their boss doesn’t verbalize any appreciation for their efforts and when this happens, motivation disappears. These are the individuals who really care about appearance because are seeking approval from others. 

Leaders tips:

Challenge: Research shows that most leaders seem to have extraordinary levels of internal self-concept. This means that leaders tend to be motivated from within and like to challenge themselves with new skills and developmental opportunities. Some leaders think that this is
the only way that people are motivated and many believe if people aren’t motivated in this way, then they are simply unmotivated. Motivation isn’t the same for everyone and leaders must be aware that not all people are motivated in the same way or by the same things.

Leaders tips:

Purpose: Employees who are motivated by purpose look beyond themselves and aren’t concerned with their own self-interests or with who may notice what they’ve done or
whether they are being pushed and challenged. What matters to a person motivated by a strong sense of purpose is that they must believe in what the organization is doing. If they agree with what the company stands for and what the company is trying to do, then they will join in and give their fullest efforts to achieve the organization’s goals.

However, if these individuals don’t feel called by the vision or purpose, they will seem rather lethargic or uninterested in what’s going on. Instead, their best efforts will be reserved for other causes in their lives more deserving (to them) of their heart and soul effort. They commonly work very hard on community-based problems or charity drives and often volunteer for Red Cross or the United Way, trying to make a positive impact on society as a whole. If you’re a boss and notice that some of your average or below-average workers are exceptional at charity drives or much more enthusiastic about their volunteer and service projects than their day job, this may indicate that the person is motivated by purpose and goal internalization.

Leaders tips:

Can you see your company within the next years, having happier, more aware, and motivated human resources, working with you for longer than usual without wasting your precious invested time anymore, and becoming a strong, empowered, and innovative company?

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During my coaching sessions, your teams can learn super-powerful strategies and NLP techniques to create team legends.

To your super success,

Denise ??


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